Participant Lock-In

MMAC is responsible for reviewing participants who may be subjecting the Medicaid program to fraud, waste and abuse. This includes a review of a variety of factors which include:

  • The number of physicians prescribing services to a particular participant;
  • The number of pharmacies used to obtain prescriptions;
  • The frequency of refills or overlapping prescriptions;
  • The number of emergency room visits, and
  • The services received.

If a MO HealthNet participant is found to be misutilizing MO HealthNet benefits, the individual can be restricted to a physician/clinic, pharmacy, or both in accordance with 13 CSR 65-3.010PDF Document, and may also be referred to the appropriate authorities for possible healthcare fraud investigation and prosecution.

If you suspect a participant is abusing Missouri Medicaid, you may report the suspicion to It is helpful if you can provide the MO HealthNet participant’s name, Medicaid DCN, address, date of birth and/or social security number, and a complete description of the complaint.