In March, 2014, MMAC posted an update to the RAC (Recovery Audit Contractor) and MIC (Medicaid Integrity Contractor) activities on its website. See the archived post here March 2014 RAC and MIC update. Cognosante, LLC is the RAC for Missouri. Section 6411 of the Affordable Care Act, Expansion of Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) Program, amends section 1902(a)(42) of the Social Security Act and requires states to contract with a RAC vendor and allows states to reimburse contractors who assist in the identification and recovery of improper payments.
Should you receive any communication from an entity representing itself on behalf of Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance (MMAC), or Cognosante, and you are concerned about the legitimacy of the person or company, you should contact MMAC at (573) 751-3399 to verify the communication or request is legitimate.
In 2015, the RAC will finish its work on outstanding pharmacy and durable medical equipment (DME) audits, and will begin conducting audits of hospital billing submitted by enrolled Missouri hospital providers. The RAC may request documentation to support billing of outpatient encounters, including professional and facility services in the emergency room. The RAC will review paid claims for proper billing of both professional and facility services, and the appropriate utilization of facility resources, such as supplies and facility charges. Documentation requests may include requests for itemized statements, medical records, medication administration records, radiology interpretations, and laboratory results to support the claims submitted for payment.