All forms submitted to MMAC must have an original handwritten signature or a verifiable electronic signature using an electronic signature software such as; DocuSign,Adobe Sign, DropBox Sign.Some of these software offer free limited accounts.
If in the course of reviewing your documents an unverifiable or altered form utilizing electronic signature is found or suspected, providers will be required to either submit the original documents showing the authentication trail meeting the requirements below or produce new forms with valid handwritten signatures.
All Medicaid providers using electronic signatures must meet the following requirements:
• Implement a reliable method of verifying the identity of the signing party. To ensure the validity of the electronic signature, the provider must produce the digital certificate or any other tracking trail document showing the authenticity of the signature. The certificate should include but not limited to: Signing E-mail address, time stamp, IP addresses.
• Retain the certified and unaltered original documents and the Certificate of Completion for a minimum of five (5) years. The electronic document and signature should be kept secure to preserve its integrity by preventing unauthorized changes and maintaining the completeness of the agreement. DocuSign, Adobe Sign, and Dropbox Sign files are subject to the document retention requirements outlined in the provider’s Title XIX Participation Agreement, 13 CSR 70-3.030(3)(A)(4), and the appropriate MO HealthNet Provider Manual.
For questions, contact MMAC.