Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance (MMAC) will begin implementing new provider enrollment procedures during 2015 to comply with federal laws requiring all Medicaid providers to revalidate their state enrollments at least every five years. Other changes will include conducting pre-enrollment site visits for certain provider types and collecting a federally mandated enrollment application fee from institutional providers (individual physicians, dentists and individual non-physician practitioners are exempt from paying the fee).
Providers can ensure receiving information in a timely manner by making sure we have your current address, telephone number(s), e-mail address and the name of your primary contact person. Please submit any changes or updated information to MMAC by downloading the “Provider Update Request” form at https://mmac.mo.gov/providers/provider-enrollment/new-providers/provider-enrollment-forms. The completed forms can be scanned and sent by e-mail to mmac.providerenrollment@dss.mo.gov or they can be faxed to the Provider Enrollment Unit at (573) 751-5065.
Be sure to check MMAC’s website regularly to get information on upcoming changes and other helpful tips for MO HealthNet providers.