Missouri Medicaid Audit and Compliance (MMAC) has received questions from providers regarding signature requirements as they pertain to personal care services in a Residential Care Facility (RCF).
Missouri regulation states a signature is required as follows: “For each date of service: the signature of the recipient, or the mark of the recipient witnessed by at least one (1) person, or the signature of another responsible person present in the recipient’s home or licensed Residential Care Facility I or II at the time of service. “Responsible person” may include the personal care aide’s supervisor, if the supervisor is present in the home at the time of service delivery. The personal care aide may only sign on behalf of the recipient when the recipient is unable to sign and there is no other responsible person present. (See 13 CSR 70-91,010(4)(A)2.F).
Providers with questions are encouraged to contact MMAC at MMAC.ProvderReview@dss.mo.gov