The Missouri Medicaid Audit & Compliance (MMAC) Provider Enrollment Unit (PEU) has processed several applications for enrolling Physician Assistants. PEU personnel assign provider numbers and create the appropriate electronic accounts, permitting the new providers to begin submitting claims for health care services provided to Medicaid participants. At this time, MO HealthNet Division and its fiscal agent are still completing required system work to enroll and reimburse Physician Assistants.
Once MMAC receives notification that the system work is complete, PEU personnel will assign the provider number and finalize creation of the enrollment records. MMAC will backdate the effective date of the new Medicaid provider enrollments to the date the applications were originally received. In the meantime, providers can continue getting reimbursed under their current billing arrangements, or they can hold their claims until their provider numbers have been assigned. MO HealthNet permits providers to file claims for reimbursement up to one year after the services were actually provided.